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Teleflora Coupons

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2 Coupons

Best Discount: 20% Off
Total Offers: 2
Coupon Codes: 1
Sales: 1

Top Teleflora Coupons and Promo Codes

Description: Expires On: Discount:
Save 20% on Newsletter Signup with this promo code 04/30 20%
Save NOW: 20% off Fall Flower Collection 04/30 20%

How to Use Coupons and Codes

How do I use Teleflora Coupons?

  • Click on the cart icon in the top right hand side.
  • Enter your code below “Promo Code” and click “Apply”.
  • Click "Checkout" to complete your order.

Does Teleflora Offer Free Shipping?

A service fee of $15.99 is applied to all flower and plant orders delivered in the US and Canada. This base service fee is subject to change during peak holiday periods.

What is Teleflora Return Policy?

If, at any time, you experience problems with an order, contact Teleflora Flowers.

What does Teleflora sell?

Teleflora is the world's largest floral delivery service and they send all of the orders to local florists. Teleflora Flowers are 100% hand-arranged and hand-delivered.

What brands does Teleflora carry?

Teleflora Flowers partners with talented artists and companies well known in their field for creating and developing distinctive designs in high-quality materials.

Teleflora Loyalty Program

Teleflora Rewards is a program that allows you to earn rewards like discounts and free bouquets.

Does Teleflora offer in-store pickup?

Teleflora Flowers offers same day delivery, however does not offer in-store pickup.

Teleflora Coupon Terms and Conditions

Check "Terms and Conditions" on coupon for specific conditions.

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