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Origins Deals

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About Origins

What distinguishes Origins from other cosmetics and skin care companies is its pioneering role in the green movement.

In the mid-1980’s a small group of beauty professionals started thinking about the role of cosmetics in creating a more sustainable way of life. In 1990, the result was the launching of a company entirely devoted to pure, organically-based cosmetics. And, the slogan “Powered by Nature. Proven by Science” was born.

Origins developed earth-friendly products, sold in specialty stores and in their own retail stores, that reflect its commitment to the environment. Certified organic products are a specialty and a partnership with Dr. Andrew Weil makes Origins a source for cutting edge skin care formulas.

Think you can’t afford some of the best organic cosmetics and skin care on the market today? Think again. With Origins coupons, the best costs less, and your Origins coupon codes are the way to get instant savings on everything your skin needs to look and feel healthy.