Editor Insights
Save an extra 40% on over 300 pairs of shoes, boots, and sandals for adults and kids at Hey Dude when you apply code BONUS during checkout. Take things up a notch with these women's Wendy Disco Cow Shoes, which drop from $69.99 to $44.99 to $27 with the code. The same pair sells at other stores for $45 or more. For men, these Hudson Suede Vintage Varsity Shoes drop from $84.99 to $49.99 to $30 in all four colors. You'd spend $50 or more elsewhere for the same pair. Shipping is free when you spend $50. Otherwise, it adds $8.99. Sizes are limited in some styles, so shop early for the best selection. Please note that only certain colors are on sale.
How to Get It
Apply code BONUS at checkout to eligible styles.
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