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Up to 50% + 30% Off Clearance at Kohl's

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Get up to 50% off during this Clearance Sale at Then use code SAVINGS15 for another 15% off, or log into a Kohl's Rewards account and use code REWARDS20 for 20% off. Kohl's cardholder use code KOHLSCARD30 for 30% off instead. Some of our top picks are this Draper James Fit & Flare Dress which drops from $49.99 to $24.99 to $21.24, these Sonoma Knit Slip-On Sneakers which drop from $44.99 to $24.74 to $21.03, and this Sonoma Big & Tall Double Knit Hoodie which drops from $29.99 to $14.99 to $12.74.

Posted by Marisa L. 6 months ago

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A woman is wearing a short-sleeved, fit-and-flare blue dress with a ruffled hemline and a keyhole neckline detail.
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Draper James Fit and Flare Dress

Black knit slip-on shoes with a chunky white sole and a small, visible pink heel label.
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Sonoma Knit Slip-On Shoes

A man wears a maroon double-knit hoodie with long sleeves, a drawstring hood, and a front pouch pocket, paired with blue jeans.
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Sonoma Big & Tall Double-Knit Hoodie