59 Stores That Ship to the U.S. Virgin Islands, Hawaii & Alaska
We know it can be frustrating trying to find stores that ship to the U.S. Virgin Islands, Hawaii and Alaska, and as some of the Brad’s Deals team works from St. Thomas, U.S.V.I., now we feel your pain!
We know it can be frustrating trying to find stores that ship to the U.S. Virgin Islands, Hawaii and Alaska, and as some of the Brad’s Deals team works from St. Thomas, U.S.V.I., now we feel your pain!
Below we’ve compiled a list of stores that will ship online orders to you even if you don’t live within the continental United States. In fact, some of these stores even offer free shipping when you reach their order threshold. If you are looking for a store that is not listed below, you can typically find a link to their shipping policy at the bottom of their homepage.
Stores That Ship to the U.S. Virgin Islands, Hawaii & Alaska
Please keep in mind that orders shipped to these locations can take longer than normal, in some cases up to eight weeks or more. A huge thanks to the “What’s Going on St. Thomas Facebook Group” for sharing resources that helped compile this list.